Zurbrigg Advanced Playblast
Zurbrigg Advanced Playblast is a set of tools designed to modernize, enhance and streamline the playblasting process in Maya. Leveraging ffmpeg*, Zurbrigg Advanced Playblast replaces Maya’s outdated media encoding solution allowing users to easily encode playblasts as mp4 or mov files using the industry standard h264 video codec.
With the integrated shot mask overlay, quickly add burn-ins to any playblast. Shot information can be fixed or updated dynamically using built-in macros to display common details including the current frame, scene name, a custom logo and more...
Offering one-click playblasts, built-in shot mask, a wide variety of presets and customizable user settings, Zurbrigg Advanced Playblast delivers a robust, user-friendly set of playblasting tools.
* ffmpeg is a free, open-source application required for playblasting.
- Modern playblast encoding (using ffmpeg)
- mp4 and mov output formats
- Preset and customizable playblast options
- Batch playblasting
- User configurable shot mask
- Dynamic shot mask properties
- Dockable and workspace-compatible UI