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Blue Pencil 2 Documentation

Main Menu

This section provides an overview of the tools and operations available through the Blue Pencil 2 (BP2) main menu. Full details of these features can be found in subsequent sections of the documentation.


Creates a Blue Pencil node, if it does not already exist, and activates the drawing context.

Activates the transform context.
Draw Tool

From the Draw Tool submenu, the active drawing tool can be set.

New Layer...

Displays the New Layer UI.

Layer Properties...

Displays the Layer Properties for the active layer.


The Frame submenu contains all of the operations that involve working with keys. This includes adding, duplicating and removing keys along with cut, copy and paste functions.


The Ghosting submenu allows the ghosting display to be enable/disabled. The number of frames displayed and ghosting colors can be changed through the Settings... dialog.


Displays the Toolbox UI.

Tool Options...

Displays the Tool Options UI.

Layer Manager...

Displays the Layer Manager UI.

Retiming Tool...

Displays the Retiming Tool UI.

Display Timeline Frames

Controls when Blue Pencil frame ticks are displayed on Maya's timeline. Frames for the active layer can always be displayed, displayed only when the node is selected or context is active, or disabled completely.


The View submenus contain operations related to the creation of a floating Blue Pencil viewport.


The Utilities submenu contains helper scripts. Reset UI can be used to reset the positions of all Blue Pencil windows.


The cleanup utilities can be used to quickly remove drawings from a layer or completely remove Blue Pencil from the scene.


Display the Preferences dialog.


Display the Licensing dialog.


Display the About dialog.