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Keyframe MP Documentation

Maya to Keyframe MP


This guide will provide the most straightfoward approach to setting up Maya to Keyframe MP:

  1. Download the Maya to Keyframe MP zip file from the Keyframe MP homepage.
  2. Windows - In Explorer, navigate to the maya/scripts folder in your Documents directory.
                              (e.g. C:\Users\<username>\Documents\maya\scripts)
    macOS - In Finder, navigate to the maya/scripts folder in your Home directory.
                              (e.g. ~/Library/Preferences/Autodesk/maya/scripts)
  3. Extract the contents of the zip file into this directory (see image below)


Adding a Maya Shelf Button to Open the GUI

  1. Open the Script Editor in Maya (Window->General Editors->Script Editor)
  2. Create a new Python tab
  3. Insert the following Python commands:

    import maya.cmds as cmds
    from maya_to_keyframe_mp import KeyframeMPClient
    from maya_to_keyframe_mp import MayaToKeyframeMP
  4. From the Script Editor main menu select File->Save Script to Shelf
  5. Enter a name for the shelf button and click OK

Adding a Maya Shelf Button to Launch Keyframe MP

  1. Open the Script Editor in Maya (Window->General Editors->Script Editor)
  2. Create a new Python tab
  3. Insert the following Python commands:

    from maya_to_keyframe_mp import MayaToKeyframeMP
  4. From the Script Editor main menu select File->Save Script to Shelf
  5. Enter a name for the shelf button and click OK